About Us
WalkWicomico is a coalition of community partners committed to improving walkability in Wicomico County. The coalition meets to plan activities and strategies. Our initiatives include: creating a website and phone app specific to walking in Wicomico County; communicating with walking enthusiasts via social media; working with towns, businesses, churches, and other groups to encourage local walking clubs and events; marking walking routes; increasing the number of walking routes and events; and providing input and feedback to decision makers about making walking safer, easier, and more accessible.
Our Mission
To encourage people in Wicomico County to walk by improving walking conditions and increasing opportunities to walk.
Our Vision
Wicomico County is a community where people walk for transportation, health, and recreation because walking here is safe, convenient, and accessible.
How to Get Involved
Follow us on social media
Check us out on Facebook and Instagram: like, follow, interact, and share! Post pictures of walking in Wicomico County (of you or other people, pets, trails, sidewalks in all the different seasons) and interact with and share our posts.
Start a walking club
Start your own walking club and find out here how easy and fun it can be! This can be a group of family, friends, co-workers, or just a meet up.
Host a walk
Host a walk in your “community” (town, neighborhood, housing complex, worksite etc.). Contact WalkWicomico by Facebook message or email walkwicomico@gmail.com for templates and guidance planning on promoting and evaluating your walk.
Join WalkWicomico
You can have a voice in improving walkability in Wicomico County! Help us find out peoples’ barriers to walking, help plan an activity, or share walking information with decision makers. Contact us to find out how to join us!